
NOW Magazine
Audience Choice

All feature works are eligible for this prize, selected through a tally of votes from the viewers of the 12th edition Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival.
$500 cash prize

The Drummer

Kenneth Bi

So You Think You Can Pitch Winners

with support from

Emerging Category

$10,000 in services

Continuity Problems

Ian Tuason

Professional Category

$18,000 in services

Travels With My Brother

June Chua & Christine Alexiou

2008 Festival Jurors

Kass Banning

Kass Banning teaches cinema studies at the University of Toronto. She is a co-editor of Gendering the Nation: Canadian Women’s Cinema (University of Toronto Press, 1999), a collection of essays that address the impact and influence of a century of women’s film making in Canada. Banning has written extensively on Canadian and diasporic cinemas and is currently working on a book on configurations of race and nation in minortarian Canadian film.

Lesley Loksi Chan

Lesley Loksi Chan lives in Hamilton with her son Piper. She has a degree in anthropology & women’s studies, and studied film at York University. Reel Asian’s 2007 jury wrote “For its conversion of family intimacies into fictions, for turning blood truths into candy-coloured pop dreams we can all hum along to, for letting the youngest member of her family speak the oldest truths…” Chan won the Centennial College @Wallace Studios Most Innovative Film or Video Award for her film Wanda and Miles. Chan was listed in Cameron Bailey’s Top Ten Locals List for 2007 in NOW Magazine.

Chi-hui Yang

Chi-hui Yang is the director and programmer of the San Francisco International Asian Amrican Film Festival. As a guest curator, Yang has presented film and video progams internationally, including the 2006 Robert Flaherty Film Seminar and at the Seattle International Film Festival, Washington DC International Film Festival, and Barcelona Asian Film Festival. He also contributes writing on politics and culture to publications such as Giant Robot and HYPHEN and lectures on Asian American cinema. He has also served on fuding panels for Creative Capital, Rockefeller Foundation, ITVS, and the San Francisco Arts Commission. Yang holds a BA in political science/international relations from Stanford University.

2008 Pitch Jury

Nobu Adilman

Nobu Adilman is a Toronto-based artist working in television, film, music, journalism, podcasting, and web interactive. He got his start as a writer for network television (Emily of New MoonCold Squad) and continued to act (Trailer Park BoysParsley Days) and host television shows (Smart Ask!ZeD). His band Rick of the Skins at one point was well known in small East Coast circles. His solo act, Mister Nobu, rarely plays live but most reently has toured with the infamous Camouflage Nights. He lives amidst the massive chaotic architectural reconstruction of Toronto, the city in which he was born.

Eileen Arandiga

Eileen Arandiga is the Festival Director of the Worldwide Short Film Festival in Toronto, a festival with which she has been associated for over nine years in various capacities. Arandiga has previously worked for the Toronto International Film Festival in the area of industry programming and services, and with various arts organizations in Australia. She has also run filmmaking workshops for young women in Toronto, sat on festival juries, and programmed shorts for Signals Festival in the UK, NEXT Short film Festival in Romania, and the Austalian Canadian Film Festival in Sydney, Australia. Arandiga holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Western Australia

Judy Gladstone

Judy Gladstone has been the executive director of CTV’s Bravo!FACT (Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent) since 1997. Bravo!FACT was established in 1995 by the national cable TV arts channel Bravo!. The foundation is the largest funder of short films in Canada. Thirteen million dollars have been awarded in grants for the production of over 1200 shorts across the country during the past dozen years. The shorts are broadcast in Canada in a half-hour show in prime-time on Bravo! and on A-Channels across the country and are often honoured at local, national, and international film festivals. Gladstone is invited to speak at conferences and film festivals around the world.

*All decisions made by the juries are final and binding and not subject to appeal.

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