
For the over 10 years, Reel Asian has created many education initiatives with the goal of providing the necessary skills and knowledge to Asian Canadian youth to explore career opportunities in the media arts. Since 2008, we created programs such as our Asian Heritage Month School Tour, our Unsung Voices Summer Video Production Workshop, and most recently, Wee Asianfor young children to attend our festival.

Reel Asian is a registered non-profit and a charitable and cultural organization. Our vision is to champion the future of diverse storytelling in Canada by advocating Asian representation in the media arts. Every year, Reel Asian supports over 1300 youths in the GTA by providing access to Asian cinema from around the world and increasing their media literacy.

Reel Asian also offers corporate packages for lunch and learn style screenings where organizations can watch a film from Reel Asian’s past selection and have a Q&A with the filmmaker.

To inquire about school tours or corporate packages please get in touch with us at education@reelasian.com.

Unsung Voices: Youth Video Production Workshop


Link to Unsung Voices: Youth Video Production Workshop
Featured Image for Unsung Voices: Youth Video Production Workshop
Featured Image for Asian Heritage Month School Tour

Asian Heritage Month School Tour

During Asian Heritage Month, Reel Asian provides in-school presentation programs, Career in the Arts, where selected Asian Canadian filmmakers will present their works, and also speak about a variety of social issues and filmmaking approaches such as documentary, drama, and animation.

Link to Asian Heritage Month School Tour
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