Minikino Film Week 8 presents A Starting Point by Reel Asian. A Starting Point is a collaboration between Reel Asian and Minikino to showcase short film festivals from around the work. As part of Minikino’s special programme, seven shorts from Reel Asian’s Unsung Voices will be screened to present a mini history behind our production workshop.
“Where does a filmmaker’s journey begin? And, can we revisit this moment? A Starting Point recognizes the value of beginnings and wonders how we might return to “first films” as a place for regrowth. This programme places short films from the four cohort members of Unsung Voices 10 (2021), Reel Asian’s free summer production workshop for first-time or emerging filmmakers, in conversation with retrospective “first films” by Unsung Voice’s founder, Aram Collier, and program coordinators, Haaris Qadri and Jennifer Su.”
– Kelly Lui, Reel Asian’s Shorts Programmer